18782 + 18782

Jul 14, 2019 23:46
18782 + 18782

Today, I will give you the last quiz about digits.

"18782" -- do you know that these numbers mean?

"1," "8," "7," "8," and "2" can be read as 'i' (い), 'ya' (や), 'na' (な), 'ya' (や), and 'tsu' (つ, which comes from "two"), respectively, so "18782" can be read as 'iyanayatsu' (いやなやつ/嫌な奴), which means "jerk/bastard."

In addition, the result of "18782 + 18782" is "37564."

"3," "7," "5," "6," and "4" can be read as 'mi' (み), 'na' (な), 'go' (ご), 'ro' (ろ), and 'shi' (し), respectively, so "37564" can be read as 'minagoroshi' (みなごろし/皆殺し), which means "massacre."
18782 + 18782


"18782" -- これが何を意味するかわかりますか?

「1」は「い(ち)」、「8」は「や」、「7」は「な(な)」、「8」は「や」、「2」は「つ(英語の two から)」と読むことができるので、「18782」は「いやなやつ」と読み替えられます。

また、「18782 + 18782」 の計算結果は「37564」です。

No. 1 sjstrauss's correction
  • Today, I will give you the last quiz about digits.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "18782" -- do you know that these numbers mean?
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "1," "8," "7," "8," and "2" can be read as 'i' (い), 'ya' (や), 'na' (な), 'ya' (や), and 'tsu' (つ, which comes from "two"), respectively, so "18782" can be read as 'iyanayatsu' (いやなやつ/嫌な奴), which means "jerk/bastard."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, the result of "18782 + 18782" is "37564."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "3," "7," "5," "6," and "4" can be read as 'mi' (み), 'na' (な), 'go' (ご), 'ro' (ろ), and 'shi' (し), respectively, so "37564" can be read as 'minagoroshi' (みなごろし/皆殺し), which means "massacre."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!